Last Updated September 7, 2023
What is going on with my child's behavior?
If you are a parent or caregiver, you know the wide range of emotions that kids experience. Our goal with this page is to equip you with knowledge to help you understand your child’s behavior and emotions.
At Playabilities, our therapists help shift the lens through which you see your child’s behavior. We are experts at educating parents on the connection between sensory processing and it’s effect on how we interpret the world.
Just Breathe
This video is a beautiful example of how we can teach kids about their emotions to normalize all feelings that we experience throughout the day.
Fight, Flight, or Freeze Response
When we are observing a child having a meltdown, our first thought should shift to what is going on in their brain that is causing the behavior that we are seeing. The Amygdala, or the emotion center of the brain, is in control. Our first response should be to provide that child a sense of safety and connection, which is the foundation needed to shift their emotional state out of meltdown mode. This video is a great explanation of what occurs in our central nervous system to create a behavioral response. The behavior can be seen as a “clue” into what their nervous system is experiencing. If we are trying to support a behavior, we must understand the root cause of the behavior to truly provide meaningful support.
A Look Behind Sensory Over-responsivity
If you seek to understand what it’s like to have sensory over-responsivity, this is a great place to start. In this video, a child with sensory over-responsivity is engaged in what many would describe as an ordinary activity (walking through a mall). Through his lens, the video highlights the impact everyday sensations can have on a person who is visually and auditorily over-responsive, amongst other differences. We believe that our community can provide the best support to individuals with sensory processing differences and their caregivers by providing validation and extending empathy.
A Child's View of Sensory Processing Disorder
We love learning about what we specialize in from the lens of children. In this video, this sweet kiddo explains how sensory processing differences affect one’s interpretation of the world. This is a great video for kids to watch, as normalizing individual differences is a great way to connect with your child if you are new to the world of understanding how your child’s brain works! Connecting with others who experience the world like we do can be such a powerful tool in our ability to regulate our emotions and feelings. Even if we differ in how we experience the world, the simple validation of these differences will be a great tool for connecting with your child and providing that sense of safety.
Sensory Processing Disorder Explained
Sensory Processing Disorder is commonly seen in children with Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, and other neurodevelopmental diagnoses. However, every human experiences sensory input in their own unique way, related to their neurological profile. We often see kiddos who do not have any other underlying diagnosis experiencing sensory processing related challenges which are impacting their quality of life, or ability to engage in meaningful activities of daily life. Occupational therapists can help you understand your child’s sensory profile, and we believe knowledge is the most powerful tool that you can have. If you understand how your child interprets the world, you can begin to make sense of their behavior. With this knowledge, you can become your child’s greatest advocate for providing their sensory system the input, tools, or supports that they need to navigate their day.
Understanding our Sensory System
Despite sensory processing being an essential component to how we interact with the world, most people are only taught the basics of sensory processing. The video below is a great overview of Sensory Processing and how Occupational Therapists can support you and your child find their optimal level of performance in daily tasks.
Understanding Emotions with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett
Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett is a leading scientist working in the field of psychology and neuroscience. In this TED talk episode, Dr. Barrett explains what emotions are, and discusses the concepts related to how much control we have over emotions. See more of Dr. Feldman’s work here.
Trauma and the Nervous System: A Polyvagal Perspective
The Autonomic Nervous System is a critical function that impacts our emotional regulation. This excellent video simplifies the role that the autonomic nervous system plays in our daily lives. If we share knowledge on the incredible impact that the autonomic nervous system plays in our lives, we begin to see the solution to improving our overall health and well-being. In therapy, we focus on teaching children and their parents how to find ways to regulate their bodies, so they are spending more time during the day at an “optimal state of arousal”.